Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Driving, driving, and more driving. Then...Disney!!!

 So the drive to Orlando was long.  Very long.  I had to do most of the driving (that was the deal: I could have a car here in Florida).  On the first day, I drove for about 7 hours and my dad drove about 3 and on the second day, we each drove about 3 hours.  Finally after two days of driving, I started seeing these signs...

We had arrived in Orlando! :)
I always love driving into and around Orlando because of all of the Disney and Universal billboards.  Here are some of my favorite Disney ones. :) 

 One of the best rides ever.  

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Disney Bound!

 Finally!  Saturday had come!  I woke up early to finish packing last minute things and eat breakfast.  My parents had gone to a garage sale this morning and came home...with a HUGE MICKEY MOUSE!!!

He'll sleep on my bed while I'm at Disney. (can you tell my Mom's going to miss me? haha)
Finally, we packed up the snacks for the road and got on the road!
 The car packed up with my Mickey Mouse ears on.
 Driving away and waving goodbye!


In normal college student fashion, I left packing to the very last minute.  I started making a list the Monday before I left (on Saturday).  Thankfully, my mom had made a list of random things she thought I would need, so I could look at for things I had forgotten. I figured the list was enough progress towards for the next three days.  Thursday I finally started to pull things I needed to pack and laid them out on the floor.  Finally, on Friday I packed my bags full of school supplies, bathroom things, and clothes, clothes, and more clothes.  Dad and I packed up the car Friday night (with lots of pillows to hide and pad the TV) and we were ready to head to Disney! :)

 I think I packed too many clothes...
 and shoes too...
 Everything in the driveway (except the TV and pillows), ready to be packed in the car
How the TV was packed.  Pillows make great padding!