Saturday, June 9, 2012


In normal college student fashion, I left packing to the very last minute.  I started making a list the Monday before I left (on Saturday).  Thankfully, my mom had made a list of random things she thought I would need, so I could look at for things I had forgotten. I figured the list was enough progress towards for the next three days.  Thursday I finally started to pull things I needed to pack and laid them out on the floor.  Finally, on Friday I packed my bags full of school supplies, bathroom things, and clothes, clothes, and more clothes.  Dad and I packed up the car Friday night (with lots of pillows to hide and pad the TV) and we were ready to head to Disney! :)

 I think I packed too many clothes...
 and shoes too...
 Everything in the driveway (except the TV and pillows), ready to be packed in the car
How the TV was packed.  Pillows make great padding!

1 comment:

  1. Packing the car was like putting together a jigsaw puzzle. Dad is GOOD at that. It looks like allot of stuff, but you have to make your apartment your 'home'. Dad thought you could have taken even more stuff (like a vacuum cleaner)!
