One of my friends who has been here since April on
the Disney College Programwas performing in the Encore show, Finding
Wonderland. Encore is made up of cast
members who sing, dance, and/or act and put on fantastic productions! The summer production was Finding Wonderland
and my friend, Demi, was dancing in the show! Of course, my friends and I had
to go and see her. The show was
incredible! It was loosely based on the
Alice in Wonderland storyline. The
character names were not the same, but the personalities were. The songs in the musical were all songs from
different musicals and movies, such as ‘Working 9 to 5,’ ‘Angelical Cats,’ ‘All
That Jazz,’ ‘It Sucks to be You,’ and ‘You Can’t Stop the Beat,’ but it all
worked together very very well. Enjoy
the pictures!
From left to right: me, Lisa, and Kathleen going
to see Finding Wonderland
Lisa and the program
Kathleen and I with the program
Demi, left dancer
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